We can supply the following FRINGS products that have proven their value over many years:
1. Bentonite (FRIBENTON) for the successful precipitation of proteins and other substances in raw wine vinegars
2. Replacement membranes and modules for CLEARFLOW membrane systems
3. Filter material for precoat and layer filtration
4. FRINGS Clean A, O and E for the successful cleaning of your filtration systems / modules
5. 1N Caustic soda as well as P henolphthalein for measuring acid with the help of the digital burette
6. Precision calibration solutions for our analytical instruments
7. Active carbon and filter layers for use in fresh air filters
8. Inoculation vinegars for all possible raw materials and/or acidity levels
9. Sulphur solutions for SO2–determination according to the Rebelein method
10. Storage solutions